Let us solve your remote problems!

Nov 1, 2011   //   by Knight Automated Electronics   //   Portfolio  //  No Comments

Tired of coming home to an entertainment system that takes 4 remotes to use?

Invostar can solve your dilemma. We can take your existing home theater to the next level with an array of innovative solutions to make your life easier!  With cutting edge products from industry leaders such as Crestron and RTI, enjoying your home theater has never been simpler. Press one button to turn your entire system on, dim lights, lower shades , and cue up your favorite show or movie. Fully portable handheld remotes can operate seamlessly with your lifestyle and comfort. We offer the finest in RTI’s product line.


If an in wall or tabletop solution is what best suits your home and lifestyle, we also offer a myriad of Crestron touchpanel solutions.

Do you use an IPhone, IPad, or Android phone?  We have you covered! Operate your home from a device that you are already familiar with. With Docking stations for charging, and fully integrated Apps, never leave the comfort of your couch to control every aspect of your home’s electronic systems.